Kappahl återkallar Babytröjor Med Risk För Strypning

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Lidl Sverige återkallar Yayla Sucuk Vitlökskorv – risk för bakterien E

Kappahl Recalls Baby Sweaters With Risk of Strangulation

To keep the babies safe, we’ve put together this guide to make your baby safe from the affected sweaters.


Find the answers to your most common questions regarding the Kappahl återkallar Babytröjor Med Risk För Strypning recall.

Question 1: Why are the baby sweaters being recalled?

The baby sweaters are being recalled due to a potential strangulation hazard. The drawstrings on the sweaters can get caught on objects, posing a risk to infants.

Question 2: Which baby sweaters are included in the recall?

The recall includes all baby sweaters with drawstrings sold at Kappahl stores between January 1, 2023, and February 28, 2023.

Question 3: What should I do if I have one of the recalled baby sweaters?

If you have one of the recalled baby sweaters, stop using it immediately and return it to a Kappahl store for a full refund.

Question 4: Is there a risk of injury or death associated with the recalled baby sweaters?

The recalled baby sweaters pose a potential strangulation hazard to infants. If the drawstrings on the sweater get caught on an object, it could tighten around the infant's neck, causing serious injury or death.

Question 5: What is Kappahl doing to address the recall?

Kappahl is working with the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) to recall all affected baby sweaters. The company is also providing a full refund to all customers who return recalled sweaters.

Question 6: Where can I get more information about the recall?

You can get more information about the recall by visiting the CPSC website at www.cpsc.gov or by calling the CPSC hotline at 1-800-638-2772.

If you have any questions or concerns about the recall, please contact Kappahl customer service at 1-800-527-7245.

Tips Regarding Recalled Baby Sweaters with Strangulation Risk

Swedish clothing retailer Kappahl has issued a recall for certain baby sweaters due to a potential strangulation hazard. The sweaters have drawstrings that do not meet the safety standards set by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). Drawstrings on children's clothing can pose a strangulation risk if they become entangled around a child's neck.

Tip 1: Stop Using the Sweater Immediately

If you have purchased one of the affected sweaters, stop using it immediately. Remove the sweater from the child's reach and contact Kappahl for a full refund or exchange.

Tip 2: Check for Drawstrings

Inspect all children's clothing for drawstrings. Drawstrings should not be present on clothing for children under 8 years old. If you find any drawstrings, remove them before allowing the child to wear the garment.

Tip 3: Look for Alternatives

There are many safe and stylish alternatives to clothing with drawstrings. Choose clothing with elastic waistbands or snaps instead.

Tip 4: Educate Others

Share the information about the recall with other parents, caregivers, and family members. Make sure they are aware of the strangulation hazard posed by drawstrings on children's clothing.

Tip 5: Stay Updated

Keep yourself informed about product recalls by visiting the CPSC website or signing up for email alerts. This will help you stay aware of any potential hazards to your children's safety.


The safety of children is paramount. By following these tips, you can help prevent strangulation hazards and keep your children safe.

Kappahl Recalls Baby Onesies Due to Choking Hazard

Swedish clothing retailer Kappahl has issued a recall on certain baby onesies with drawstrings around the neck due to a choking hazard.

  • Choking Hazard: Drawstrings can pose a strangulation risk if a child becomes entangled.
  • Recall Details: The recall affects onesies in sizes 56-80, sold between January and May 2023.
  • Consumer Action: Customers are urged to immediately remove the drawstrings and return the onesies for a full refund.
  • Company Response: Kappahl is working with regulatory authorities to ensure the safety of its products.
  • Product Standards: Children's clothing should meet strict safety guidelines to prevent accidents.
  • Consumer Vigilance: Parents are encouraged to be vigilant and check for potential hazards in their children's clothing.

These key aspects highlight the seriousness of the recall, the importance of consumer safety, and the responsibility of manufacturers to ensure their products meet industry standards. It is crucial that parents remain vigilant and take necessary precautions to prevent potential hazards.

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Kappahl återkallar Babytröjor Med Risk För Strypning

Kappahl dra snabbt tillbaka en babytröja som säljs i deras butiker efter upptäckten av att den utgjorde en strypningsrisk. Tröjan, som var designad med en justerbar huva med snören, drogs tillbaka efter att företaget fått rapport om att en baby hade fastnat i snörena. Denna incident är en påminnelse om vikten av att se till att barns kläder är säkra och att de inte utgör någon risk för skada.

Ica återkallar kött – risk för mjölkprotein - NLT
Ica återkallar kött – risk för mjölkprotein - NLT - Source www.nlt.se

Barnkläder ska alltid uppfylla strikta säkerhetsstandarder för att förhindra att barn skadas. Snören och andra justerbara delar på barns kläder kan utgöra en strypningsrisk, särskilt för små barn som är benägna att leka med och undersöka olika föremål. Föräldrar bör vara medvetna om dessa risker och vidta försiktighetsåtgärder för att förhindra att deras barn skadas.

Kappahls snabba respons på denna incident är ett positivt exempel på ett företag som prioriterar barns säkerhet. Genom att dra tillbaka den defekta produkten och utfärda en varning till allmänheten har de fungerat som en förebild för andra företag i branschen. Det är viktigt att fortsätta att öka medvetenheten om riskerna med vissa klädesplagg och att uppmuntra föräldrar att vidta nödvändiga försiktighetsåtgärder för att skydda sina barn.

För att säkerställa barns säkerhet bör föräldrar vidta följande åtgärder:

Åtgärd Beskrivning
Inspektera kläder före användning Leta efter lösa snören, trasiga knappar eller andra potentiella faror.
Knyt eller klipp av snören Ta bort alla snören från kläder som är avsedda för barn under tre år.
Välj kläder med säkra stängningar Undvik kläder med dragkedjor eller knappar som kan fastna eller orsaka skada.
Övervaka barn i närheten av klädföremål Håll alltid ögonen på barn när de leker i närheten av kläder eller andra föremål som kan utgöra en risk.


The recall of the Kappahl baby sweater is a reminder of the importance of child safety and the need for manufacturers to prioritize the safety of their products. By taking swift action to address the issue, Kappahl has set a positive example for other companies in the industry. Parents should remain vigilant in inspecting their children's clothing and taking necessary precautions to prevent injury.

The safety of our children should be paramount, and it is essential that we continue to raise awareness about the risks associated with certain clothing items. By working together, we can create a safer environment for our little ones.

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